Overnight or evening cruise or paddle to celebrate the Summer Solstice
Gulf Island Cruise > June 12th – June 28th (Cruise Captain – Cristina and Sean Eppers and Randy Volker)
Destination Port – Telegraph Harbour Marina, Thetis Island, B.C.
Cruise will include various destinations in Canada both before after Telegraph Harbour (such as Sidney, Ganges, Mill Bay, Maple Bay, Genoa Bay, Ladysmith, Nanaimo, Pender Island, Montague Harbour)
Canada Day Cruise > June 28th – July 2nd (Cruise Captain –Chris Boyd)
Destination Port – Victoria Harbour
Reservations with Victoria Harbour Authority for dockage on Causeway needed. They no longer raft boats up, so there is even less space available than in the past. Make your reservations ASAP!
July 4th Boat Parade (Cruise Captain – TBD)
Parade cruise in Port Angeles Harbor from Yacht Club along Port Angeles Waterfront
BBQ and activities at PAYC after parade
“To the lighthouse” - Virginia Woolf Cruise – July 13th (Cruise Captain – Paul Kolesnikoff)
Day trip to Dungeness Lighthouse with option for anchoring out in Sequim Bay for an overnight
Anchor out your boat and hike to the lighthouse
Sea Scouts/PAYC Joint Mid/South Sound Cruise > July 24th - Aug 7th (Cruise Captains - Jared Minard &
Join up with the Sea Scouts on their cruise. Wayne Melquist)
Destinations – To Olympia or Tacoma and points in between (Port Townsend, Kingston, Gig Harbor, Poulsbo, Bremerton, Port Orchard, Blake Island)
Makah Days “Land Cruise” > August 23rd – 25th (Cruise Captain – TBD)
Travel by car or boat to Neah Bay for Makah Day activities
San Juan Islands and Points North Cruise – September 9th – September 24th (Cruise Captain – Randy Volker)
Destinations – San Juans Islands, Anacortes, Bellingham
Port Angeles City Pier “Take-Over” Events – various dates to be announced
Wednesday Night Rendezvous of boats and Club members for “Concerts on the Pier”
Listen to the music and socialize from the pier and on member’s boats
A Cruise Planning and Captain’s Meeting will be held prior to each cruise
Participating boaters need to commit to specific cruises as soon as possible to help with marina coordination
Each boater will make individual marina reservation, as instructed by the cruise director