After Passing the Cape of Good Hope, Dave got to open up the Good Hope Goodies that Lillian had packed for him. We were very lucky to get thjkhhjkhjlgis update from Dave. Greetings PAYC members and incoming Bridge! My adventure in the Global Solo Challenge Has sent me from the South Atlantic Ocean into the Indian Ocean! Having passed the Longitude of the cape of Good Hope this week my adventure into another Ocean begins . I had my best 24 hour run of 260nm coming up to this first great cape which felt great! It was a fast couple days of sailing that saw me move up in the standings just a little. That was a good feeling, not like my accidental un-planned gybe in the dark a few nights ago! But nothing was damaged and it was pretty easy to sort out. Life is good here at 40 degrees South, though chilly at night. My cockpit enclosure acts as a sun-room in the afternoon as it faces west helping to warm things up on the days that the sun is out. I do have a small diesel furnace to take the chill out of the cabin as well as warm and dry my boots! So not relying on the sun totally. Having sailed to the suggested southern limit of our course East bound l have jibed to the next waypoint at 42 00.0 South and 45 00.0 East . Another fast day of sailing today steady at 9-10knots with the occasional surf in the high teens! Dave Linger Koloa Maoli
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December 2023
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