We'll be opening our clubhouse to the community to come on down and help us celebrate the Maritime Festival!
FUN FACT: The Maritime Festival started as an Open House at the yacht club and evolved into what is now a full weekend celebration in our community all about our amazing boating history and resources that are right here in Port Angeles! Come down and see why our yacht club is so active, vibrant and GROWING! - Learn more about who we are and the resources we offer - including one of the best views on the waterfront. - Learn more about our educational programs - Learn more about our sailing programs (youth and adult) through our non-profit outreach, the Community Boating Program - Learn about our club cruises to the San Juan's and Canada. You CAN do this too with the support of this amazing club. Doors Open at 5:00 PM Music: Sea Shanty Singers will be bringing the maritime flavor to our evening. Food: This year we are super excited to announce that the Southern Nibble food truck will be on site to provide food options to purchase. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076155552586 Drinks: No host bar offering beer, wine, mixed drinks, and soda. Comments are closed.