The Race to Alaska (R2AK) is an annual whimsical human and wind powered boat race from Port Townsend to Ketchican. That means no motors on the boat at all.
They recently made a movie about the R2AK and Tony Billera got us permission to show it to you and your friends for free!!!! Come to the clubhouse at 6PM on Saturday, April 22nd and bring a friend with you to experience all the thrills of this annual R2AK adventure without getting wet! The bar will be open from 6-6:30 to get a drink and some popcorn. Then we'll close the bar and start the movie. After the movie is over, we'll open the bar again while new member and R2AK alumnus Lilly Kuehl has offered to answer your questions about the race. Click here to find out more about the movie Watch the trailer here Comments are closed.